Thursday, July 7, 2011

Where you at?

First of all, I have no excuse for my brief hiatus... I blame good weather and late night fun. 

Secondly there have been many things going on in our house lately, some of which can be explained and some that can not.  All that can be said is that we are in need of your thoughts and prayers. 

Due to recent events my husband and I have had sleepless nights, long conversations, and not alot of questions that need to be answered and most likely will not.

I whole heatedly believe this is one of those times in our lives when we will look back and see it as a turning point. 

There is one truth I know, we will get through to the other side and there will be more joy for us to experience, together.  One positive of a struggle is you either bond together or grow apart.  We truly are closer now than ever.    

On a more positive note we have a beach vacation coming up that I could not be more ready for.